Source code for scrawler.utils.file_io_utils

"""Functions for local file import/export operations, e. g. CSV file reading and writing."""
import os
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from typing import Union
import logging

import pandas as pd


[docs]def export_to_csv(data, directory: str, fn: str, header: Union[list, str, bool] = None, encoding: str = DEFAULT_CSV_ENCODING, separator: str = DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR, quoting: int = DEFAULT_CSV_QUOTING, escapechar: str = DEFAULT_CSV_ESCAPECHAR, current_index: int = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Export data to a CSV file. :param data: One- or two-dimensional data that will be parsed to a :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame`. :param directory: Path to directory where file will be saved. :param fn: Filename (*without* file extension). :param header: If ``None`` or ``False``, no header will be written. If ``first-row`` or ``True``, uses first row of data as header. Else, pass list of strings of appropriate length. :param encoding: Encoding to use to create the CSV file. :param separator: Column separator or delimiter to use for creating the CSV file. :param quoting: Puts quotes around cells that contain the separator character. :param escapechar: Escapes the separator character. :param current_index: If ``fn`` is a list of filenames, use this to specify which filename to use. :param kwargs: Any parameter supported by :meth:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` can be passed. """ if type(fn) is not str and current_index is not None: fn = fn[current_index] filepath = f"{directory}/{fn}.csv" write_index = False write_columns = False if (header is None) else True if data is None or len(data) == 0: # TODO maybe raise ValueError instead? logging.error("Can't export empty dataset.") return if not isinstance(data[0], (list, tuple, set)): # if data consists of just one data point, wrap into another list so that Pandas correctly parses it into multiple columns data = [data] if (header is None) or (header is False): container = pd.DataFrame(data) elif (header == "first-row") or (header is True): container = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0]) else: container = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=header) container.to_csv(filepath, encoding=encoding, sep=separator, header=write_columns, index=write_index, quoting=quoting, escapechar=escapechar, **kwargs)"Data exported to {filepath}.")
[docs]def multithreaded_csv_export(list_of_datasets: list, **kwargs) -> None: """Export a list of multi-column dataset to a CSV file in parallel using ``multithreading``. :param list_of_datasets: List of two-dimensional data objects that will be parsed to a :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame`. :param kwargs: Keywords arguments that are passed on to :func:`.export_to_csv`. """ # Prepare argument list args = list(enumerate(list_of_datasets)) # Define function with constant parameters pre-filled def do_export(index, data): return export_to_csv(data, current_index=index, **kwargs) # Map function for multi-threading pool = ThreadPool() pool.starmap(do_export, args) pool.close() pool.join()
[docs]def get_data_in_dir(directory: str, start_idx: int = 0, end_idx: int = None, encoding: str = DEFAULT_CSV_ENCODING, separator: str = DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR) -> list: """Read all CSV files within a directory. All files in the directory must be CSV files. :param directory: Path to the directory. :param start_idx: Sometimes, not all CSV files in the directory should be read. Together with ``end_idx``, this parameter allows to specify an interval of files that should be read in, e. g. the first up to the 5th file. :param end_idx: See ``start_idx``. :param encoding: The character encoding of the CSV files to be read. :param separator: The separator/delimiter of the CSV files to be read. """ filenames = os.listdir(directory) end_idx = end_idx if end_idx is not None else len(filenames) paths = [directory + "/" + filename for filename in filenames[start_idx:end_idx]] return [pd.read_csv(path, encoding=encoding, sep=separator) for path in paths]