Source code for scrawler.attributes

"""Specifies the attribute objects used by crawlers and scrapers."""
from typing import Tuple, Union, Callable
from inspect import signature
import os

import pandas as pd

from import Website
from scrawler.data_extractors import BaseExtractor
from scrawler.utils.web_utils import is_same_host, extract_same_host_pattern

[docs]class SearchAttributes: def __init__(self, *args: BaseExtractor, validate: bool = True): """Specify which data to collect/search for in the website. :param args: Data extractors specifying which data to extract in websites (see `built-in data extractors <built_in_data_extractors.html>`__ or for possibilities or `define a custom data extractor <custom_data_extractors.html>`__). :param validate: Whether to make sure that input parameters are valid. """ if validate: for extractor in args: if not isinstance(extractor, BaseExtractor): raise TypeError(f"{extractor.__class__} does not inherit from BaseExtractor.") self.attributes: Tuple[BaseExtractor] = args self.n_return_values: int = sum([extractor.n_return_values for extractor in self.attributes])
[docs] def extract_all_attrs_from_website(self, website: Website, index: int = None) -> list: """Extract data from a website using data extractors specified in ``SearchAttributes`` definition. :param website: Website object to collect the specified data points from. :param index: Optionally pass an index for data extractors that index into passed parameters. See `this explanation <custom_data_extractors.html#dynamic-parameters>`__ for details. """ extracted_data = [] for extractor in self.attributes: # Case handling for functions using an index if (index is not None) and extractor.dynamic_parameters: result =, index) else: result = # Case handling for functions with multiple return values if extractor.n_return_values != 1: extracted_data.extend(result) else: extracted_data.append(result) return extracted_data
[docs]class ExportAttributes: def __init__(self, directory: str, fn: Union[str, list], header: Union[list, str, bool] = None, encoding: str = DEFAULT_CSV_ENCODING, separator: str = DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR, quoting: int = DEFAULT_CSV_QUOTING, escapechar: str = DEFAULT_CSV_ESCAPECHAR, validate: bool = True, **kwargs): """Specify how and where to export the collected data. :param directory: Folder where file(s) will be saved to. :param fn: Name(s) of the file(s) containing the crawled data. *Without* file extension. :param header: Have the final CSV file have a header. Possible parameters: If ``None`` or ``False``, no header will be written. If ``first-row`` or ``True``, uses first row of data as header. Else, pass list of strings of appropriate length. :param encoding: Encoding to use to create the CSV file. :param separator: Column separator or delimiter to use for creating the CSV file. :param quoting: Puts quotes around cells that contain the separator character. :param escapechar: Escapes the separator character. :param validate: Whether to make sure that input parameters are valid. :param kwargs: Any parameter supported by :meth:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` can be passed. """ if validate: # Check that directory exists if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise NotADirectoryError(f"Export directory does not exist on this system ({directory}).") # Check that keyword arguments are allowed for pandas.DataFrame.to_csv() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in signature(pd.DataFrame.to_csv).parameters: raise ValueError(f'Invalid keyword argument passed to ExportAttributes: "{key}"') = directory self.fn = fn # Filename(s) self.header = header self.encoding = encoding self.separator = separator self.quoting = quoting self.escapechar = escapechar for key, value in kwargs.items(): # Add keyword arguments as attributes self.__setattr__(key, value)
[docs]class CrawlingAttributes: def __init__(self, filter_non_standard_schemes: bool = True, filter_media_files: bool = True, blocklist: tuple = (), filter_foreign_urls: Union[str, Callable] = "auto", strip_url_parameters: bool = False, strip_url_fragments: bool = True, max_no_urls: int = None, max_distance_from_start_url: int = None, max_subdirectory_depth: int = None, pause_time: float = DEFAULT_PAUSE_TIME, respect_robots_txt: bool = True, validate: bool = True ): """Specify how to conduct the crawling, including filtering irrelevant URLs or limiting the number of crawled URLs. :param filter_non_standard_schemes: Filter URLs starting with schemes other than ``http:`` or ``https:`` (e.g., ``mailto:`` or ``javascript:``). :param filter_media_files: Whether to filter media files. Recommended: ``True`` to avoid long runtimes caused by large file downloads. :param blocklist: Filter URLs that contain one or more of the parts specified here. Has to be a ``list``. :param filter_foreign_urls: Filter URLs that do not belong to the same host (foreign URLs). Can either be a string that is passed to :func:`.is_same_host`, or a custom ``Callable`` that has to include two arguments, ``url1`` and ``url2``. In :func:`.is_same_host`, the following string values are permitted: 1. ``auto``: Automatically extracts a matching pattern from the start URL (see :func:`.extract_same_host_pattern` for details). 2. Any one of the attributes of the :class:`.ParsedUrl` class (e.g. ``domain``, ``hostname``, ``fld``). 3. ``subdomainX`` with ``X`` representing an integer number up to which subdomain the URLs should be compared. E.g., comparing ```` and ````, ``sub`` is the first level, while the second levels are ``www`` and ``blog``, respectively. 4. ``directoryX`` with ``X`` representing an integer number up to which directory the URLs should be compared. E.g., for ````, ``directory2`` would include all files in ``dir2``. :param strip_url_parameters: Whether to strip URL query parameters (prefixed by ``?``) from the URL. :param strip_url_fragments: Whether to strip URL fragments (prefixed by ``#``) from the URL. :param max_no_urls: Maximum number of URLs to be crawled per domain (safety limit for very large crawls). Set to ``None`` if you want all URLs to be crawled. :param max_distance_from_start_url: Maximum number of links that have to be followed to arrive at a certain URL from the start URL. :param max_subdirectory_depth: Maximum sub-level of the host up to which to crawl. E.g., consider this schema: ``hostname/sub-directory1/sub-siteA``. If you would want to crawl all URLs of the same level as ``sub-directory1``, specify 1. ``sub-siteA`` will then not be found, but a site ``hostname/sub-directory2`` or ``hostname/sub-siteB`` will be. :param pause_time: Time to wait between the crawling of two URLs (in seconds). :param respect_robots_txt: Whether to respect the specifications made in the website's ``robots.txt`` file. """ if validate: # Check that a valid input is passed to parameter filter_foreign_url TEST_URL = "" try: if not isinstance(filter_foreign_urls, Callable): test_mode = extract_same_host_pattern(TEST_URL) if (filter_foreign_urls == "auto") else filter_foreign_urls assert is_same_host(TEST_URL, TEST_URL, mode=test_mode), "is_same_host() should be True if the same URL is used." else: assert filter_foreign_urls(TEST_URL, TEST_URL), f"Error when testing your custom foreign URL filter function ({filter_foreign_urls.__name__}): Should be True if the same URL is used for both input arguments." except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError) as e: raise ValueError(f"Parameter filter_foreign_url is not correctly specified: {filter_foreign_urls}. The following error occurred during validation: {e}") self.filter_non_standard_schemes = filter_non_standard_schemes self.filter_media = filter_media_files self.blocklist = blocklist self.filter_foreign_urls = filter_foreign_urls self.strip_url_parameters = strip_url_parameters self.strip_url_fragments = strip_url_fragments self.max_no_urls = max_no_urls if (max_no_urls is not None) else float("inf") self.max_distance_from_start_url = max_distance_from_start_url if (max_distance_from_start_url is not None) else float("inf") self.max_subdirectory_depth = max_subdirectory_depth if (max_subdirectory_depth is not None) else float("inf") self.pause_time = pause_time self.respect_robots_txt = respect_robots_txt